Книги по общественным и гуманитарным наукам в Северодонецкe
Defenders of the Truth: The Sociobiology Debate by Ullica SegerstraleWhen Edward O. Wilson published Sociobiology, it generated a firestorm of criticism, mostly focused on the book's final chapter, in which Wilson ...
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Understanding Education: A Sociological Perspective by Alan CribbWho should be educated, when, by whom and how? What purposes should education serve? Why does education matter?
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Insight and Psychosis by Xavier Francisco Amador (editor)The cornerstone of any psychiatric evaluation, the mental status exam, requires an assessment of insight -- a term commonly employed by clinicians ...
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Violent Death in the City: Suicide, Accident, and Murder ... by Roger LaneViolent Death in the City: Suicide, Accident, and Murder in Nineteenth-Century Philadelphia
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Українське ділове мовлення. Світлана ШевчукДля студентів вищих навчальних закладів. Може бути корисним для учнів ліцеїв, гімназій, учителів шкіл, працівників організацій та установ.
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The Madonna of 115th Street: Faith and Community in Italian Harlemby Robert A. OrsiIn a masterful evocation of Italian Harlem and the men and women who lived there, Robert Orsi examines how the annual festa of the Madonna ...
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Eigensinn und Psychose: «Noncompliance» als Chance by Thomas BockPsychoseerfahrene sind in vielfacher Weise eigensinnig: Ihre Sinne gehen eigene Wege. Sie sind auf der Suche nach Eigenheit (eigenen Grenzen) und ...
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Basiswissen: Umgang mit psychotischen Patienten von Thomas BockDr. Thomas Bock beginnt in diesem Buch mit einer Einführung in das Denken, Fühlen und Handeln psychotischer Menschen. Er stellt die depressiven und ..
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Three Spanish Querelle Texts: A Bilingual Edition and Study Pere Torrellas , Juan De Flores , Emily C. FrancomanoThree Spanish Querelle Texts – Grisel and Mirabella, The Slander against Women, and The Defense of Ladies against Slanderers: Volume 21
130 грн./шт.В наличии
Gesammelte Schriften: Fünfter Band von Sigmund FreudФрейд считается основоположником психоанализа, благодаря которому он приобрел всемирную известность.
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Tušení stínu - Ludvík SoučekV dávné minulosti lidstva nacházíme jisté pozoruhodné skutečnosti naznačující existenci ztracených civilizací, podivných a nám vzdálených. ...
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Théories des relations internationales - Dario Battistella« Un livre qui a vocation à devenir l'ouvrage de référence en langue française sur les théories des relations internationales. » Jean Klein,
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Per Thygesen Poulsen: Ansvar og værdierArtikelsamling og debatbog udgivet på initiativ af Ansvar 2000, som er et utraditionelt projekt med udgangspunkt i Det Danske Spejderkorps, og som ...
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Get Your Sparkle Back: How to re-ignite your health, happiness, energy, and confidence Sally Beaton“This book is going to change lives…” Ariane Signer
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The Master Key System: Haanel, Charles FDer Universalschlüssel zu einem erfolgreichen Leben
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Parental Alienation: The Handbook for Mental Health and Legal Professionals by Demosthenes LorandosIncludes: Supplemental Reference Guide on CDROM
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Вступ до мовознавства. Підручник. Т. К. МонжалєйУ підручнику розглянуто основні питання курсу з урахуванням сучасного стану мовознавчої науки: загальні відомості про мову та мовознавство як науку,
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Evaluating Second Language Education Edited by J. Charles Alderson, Lancaster University, Alan Beretta, Michigan State UResponsibility for planning language teaching programmes now carries with it a strong element of accountability Evaluation of the whole process ...
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Using Sociology: An Introduction from the Applied and Clinical Perspectives by Roger A. StrausA humanist alternative to massive, encyclopedia-like texts, Using Sociology provides a passionate and focused introduction to sociology and sociologic
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Şiir Hikayeleri - Haluk OralÖzdemir Asaf’ın Lavinia’sı kimdi? Nâzım Hikmet'in Kurtuluş Savaşı Destanı'nın geçirdiği değişiklikler… Ahmed Arif ve tek kitabı olarak 60 baskı...
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Public Relations - Frank Jefkins, Daniel L. Yadinhis revised edition includes information on examples of public relations campaigns and corporate identity campaigns and logos and updated material
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Why Men Fight - Bertrand RussellAlso published under the title of Principals of Social Reconstruction, and written in response to the devastation of World War I, Why Men Fight ...
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Darwin on Trial: Johnson, Phillip E.Phillip Johnson In clear, concise chapters, Johnson offers a casual, reasoned and scientifically sound evaluation of the support for Darwinism--from
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How to Be a Star at Work: 9 Breakthrough Strategies You Need to Succeed by Robert E. KelleySTARS ARE MADE, NOT BORN
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Psychotherapy and the Selfless Patient by E Mark SternA wealth of theoretical and clinical material on the developmental and philosophical issues regarding the origin and loss...
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Violent and Disruptive Behaviour in Schools by Lowenstein L.F.Survey carried out from a questionnaire in County and Voluntary Schools
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Jealousy: Triumphing over Rivalry and Envy by Karla R. DoughertyProvides guidance in recognizing and controlling feelings of jealousy, turning them into an advantage rather than letting them get in the way.
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Неукротимая планета.Неукротимая планета. Когда природа сходит с ума. WHEN NATURE TURNS NASTY.
545 грн./шт.В наличии
Энциклопедия «Планета Земля»Энциклопедия "Ридерз Дайджест" Планета Земля. Children's Encyclopedia of Earth
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